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Full Back

by Allegra Garcia July 30, 2020 3 min read


Full back - Nova Wax

Even though the back is one of the largest areas of the body to wax, the process is actually quite simple! But no matter how simple, we’ve always got your back when it comes to the tips and tricks of waxing… so let’s dive into it!


Nova Wax

As always, you want to cleanse the skin before any waxing. Removing any dirt or oil on the skin is key to ensuring that Nova Wax can perform the best. After cleansing, pat dry the skin so you have a nice, dry base to begin with. Temperature-wise, the wax should be anywhere between 65-75 degrees. Nova Wax has a low melting point, so you will be able to reach your desired temperature much quicker than you would with other hard waxes. Remember, pay more attention to the consistency of the wax than the actual temperature! Since there are a lot of factors that can influence the wax, such as body temperature and room temperature, it is better to focus on achieving that honey-like consistency than setting it to the “perfect” temperature. Consistently stirring the wax and adjusting the temperature dial is the best way to reach that ideal texture. 

Nova Wax

For waxing larger areas, such as the back, Liz recommends that the wax be a bit tackier in consistency. You should pull your wax from the center of the warmer, as the wax in the middle is slightly cooler and thicker. This thicker texture will allow you to grab more wax at once so you can handle the larger area with one smooth application. A good way to know if you have the right consistency is gauging the control you have on the wax while twirling it on the spatula. If you feel comfortable with the motion and it is not too fluid or runny on the stick, then you can start laying!

Nova Wax

You want to start with laying a wax strip directly down the center of the back to create an opening for the rest of the strips. After that, we recommend sticking to a specific pattern throughout the rest of the service. Creating a rhythm takes the thought out of the process, and you will not forget where to lay your strips as you move along the area. Feel free to lay another strip while one strip is drying so you can keep the process going. With enough practice you will surely find a flow that works for you! 

Keep in mind that once you pull the wax from the warmer it will begin to start cooling on your stick, so work swiftly (but don’t rush!) so that the wax doesn’t become too tacky on the stick and, as a result, difficult to maneuver on the skin. Lay your strips evenly and ensure there is a good balance in thickness. Thinner strips are great for fine hair, but when covering large areas a strip that istoo thin will not be effective and may rip during removal. Thicker strips are ideal for larger areas as they have more coverage, but avoid making them too thick to where they cannot grab the finer hairs located on the back. It all comes down to understanding your client’s skin and hair type, and working your wax based on that!

Once all that hair is gone, apply some witch hazel to soothe the skin. Witch Hazel is a wonderful, natural astringent and can help reduce the redness on the skin. The next 24 hours are crucial, so ensure you are communicating with your clients on the proper steps to take post-wax. The skin needs a chance to breathe, so recommending that they wear loose-fitting clothing is a MUST! They can exfoliate the skin after 24 hours, and encouraging them to do this consistently post-wax will help keep their skin nice and smooth. Finally, avoiding the pool or beach is also important since the skin is sensitive and more susceptible to bacteria within the first 24 hours post-wax. It will be incredibly tempting to show off their nice, smooth back immediately - but remind them that patience is key! 



Allegra Garcia
Allegra Garcia